VisionGauge® OnLine version 16.51 is available for download

VisionGauge® OnLine version 16.51, dated August 19th, 2024, is available for download.


The following new features and enhancements have been added over the past several versions:

Program Toolbox – Error Options

The Program Toolbox now contains new Error Options in the Options setup, with the ability to set variables on error or jump to specific steps on error.

Absolute Value of Deviation from Nominal

We have added the ability to output the absolute value of the control sections’ deviations from nominal to a Data Group. This also modifies the tolerances accordingly, when applicable. The new option to output the absolute value is defined when setting up each control section. Note that the displayed deviation from nominal on the image will still be the actual value as computed, and only the value output to the Data Group will be modified.

This update further enhances the robustness of the Threads measurements ROI selection. To be able to carry out proper measurements with the pitch, the minimum required number of full thread crests and roots is now 2.

This update also adds support for horizontal thread measurements (for vertically position screws), including all the previous measurement capabilities for threads. The orientation of the threads is selected in both the manual measurement mode and the Program Toolbox Measurement step in the the Threads Measurement tab.

A new “Print” option has been added to Data Groups under the “File” menu to allow printing the currently shown data in the Data Group (across multiple pages, as needed).

In this update, additional support has been added when setting up computer controlled illumination to skip over/offset a module’s channel. This permits our technicians to setup the new octant-based illumination with other illumination channels in a more familiar configuration, with backlight set as the first channel.

On systems with DirectX compliant video acquisition devices, when opening the “Settings – DirectX Video Properties” menu to adjust camera settings, live video will now activate to display live feedback of the changes being made.

Improved Counting and Sizing operations when using dilation adjustments to ‘merge’ close objects.

Addition of a “Smallest Object Equivalent Diameter” measurement with tolerances for Counting and Sizing operations.

Counting and Sizing “Largest object..” results now factor in user limits when returning the largest object in the ROI.

VisionGauge OnLine’s DDE Server capabilities have been updated with the following topics:

A new “Quicksave” Topic was added to our DDE server support to activate the QuickSave feature with its current configuration (in the Settings – General Preferences). When the image has been saved, the filepath is returned to the DDE client.

Also a new “Measure” Topic was added to start a measurement and return the result from the DDE client (e.g. Excel). The Item string serves as a description of the measurement being taken.

Ethernet Motion Control Drive support:

Improved timeout scenarios when awaiting a response from an ethernet motor drive before disabling the drive.

Multilingual/Localisation Support:

This updates adds further multilingual support. The following windows have been updated with localisation support:

Annotation Label for measurements
Configure Measurement Toolbox Label
Allow User to Confirm Measurement
Area/Pathline Measurement windows
Measurement Additional Settings window
Measurement Toolbox + Set dialogs
Snap Mode window
Units dialog + Advanced
String/Numerical Variables Setup

Support has been added for Unicode characters in Automatic DDE to Excel filepaths and in the Program Toolbox “Step” label.

All String Variables can now be Unicode strings.

This update adds the ability to bypass requiring a password for operators when accessing the Live Image Overlay Settings menu, if the Security Manager has been setup with password protection. This grants operators access to specific overlay settings. However, further access to DXF Overlay calibration and alignment-specific settings are still password protected.

The following fixes have also been made:

  • This update corrects an issue in the Program Toolbox where ROI’s for the Threads or Trace Width measurement tools may need to be reset when loading programs with previously saved ROI’S.
  • Fixed an issue in Remote Program Communications when receiving multiple commands at once that may contain errors or that may repeat the same command. Previously commands received simultaneously during the same input window would only execute the first command.
  • An issue was also fixed that may cause a crash during Digital Input Monitoring or Remote Program Communications if a program was running in the Program Toolbox but the toolbox itself was closed.
  • This update includes a fix that can prevent a designated program channel from properly saving the selected program in the Input Monitoring window.
  • Fixed an issue that might occur when shutting down VisionGauge OnLine that could crash the software if the Status Box is in a certain state.
  • A potential crash has been fixed when opening the Measurement Mode window when a Marker to Marker tab is already active, or when changing to the the Marker to Marker tab on some systems due to Datum/Lines data being selected and updating.
  • This update includes a fix for a crash that can occur when opening the CAD Navigator window multiple times in a row.
  • This update adds improved handling for warning/error notifications, particularly when errors are reported from various threads, preventing crashing in various cases – mostly relating to live video display. This improves stability of the software in the event of various errors which could present as random software crashes.
  • This update fixes a bug when inserting or deleting Program Toolbox steps where some parameters in Data File steps later in the program than this insertion/deletion point would not transfer to the new step position.