VisionGauge® OnLine version 16.16, dated December 13th, 2023, is available for download.
The following new features and enhancements have been added over the past several versions:
Program Toolbox – “Wait” Settings
The Wait Program Toolbox step has been updated with a new option that would disallow empty input from a Wait – “Wait for user input” step. When selected, the dialog prompt to enter input will continue to be displayed until non-blank input is entered.

Parallelism and Perpendicularity Alternate Mode
An option for an alternative method to measure Parallelism and Perpendicularity has been introduced when performing these measurements either manually or through the Program Toolbox. This alternate method specifies the first two points to define the initial reference line, as before. However, the third point establishes a single point on the comparison line, while the 4th point establishes a direction for the comparison line to extend. An extra parameter is required to specify how far away on the comparison line to project the point to be measured. The returned measurement is the projected point to the 2nd reference line (still defined as a line parallel to the 1st reference line passing through the 3rd point).
A new “Additional Setup” dialog allows enabling this alternate method during measurement selection.
We have added support for new Thread measurement and inspection tools in the manual and automated measurement modes. When selected, this measurement mode allows multiple measurements to be returned from the result of drawing a single ROI around the top and bottom threads. A minimum of 4 threads is required to complete all measurement options.
Thread feature measurements currently able to be reported include:
- Average minor diameter
- Average major diameter
- Average pitch diameter
- Minimum pitch diameter
- Maximum pitch diameter
- Average pitch
Specific points calculated from the measurements can also be saved as Datums for re-use in further measurements.
For more information and an overview video, visit the Thread inspection and measurement page.
The top-bottom thread edge profile detection has been improved with regards to filtering stray contaminants above/below threads.
This update introduces template Excel files that are used to automatically create specific Excel files when outputting data from the Data Groups, without having to pre-create the target Excel file. Currently supported templates are Excel files with the extensions .xlsx, .xls, .xlsm.
The new, blank template files provided in the C:/vgOnLine/Reports/Templates directory can also be customized, or replaced with your own standard templates in this directory renamed the target extension as ‘template’.
Writing Data Groups to file with string variables used into the filename will now replace the ‘:’ populated by a date/time string with dashes, for Windows file naming compatibility.
We have added support for up to 12 light sources in VisionGauge® OnLine, including the ability to ‘lock’ sequential channels together so their illumination levels all increase/decrease together. Locked illumination channels can be unlocked to control the channels individually. This can be useful for fine illumination control with specific modules that have multiple LEDs.

This update supports our newly released Octant-based Reflected Illumination module.
We have also enhanced general performance for manually controlling computer controlled illumination channels to reduce lag when adjusting the values.
The log file has been updated to include Program Toolbox steps as well as status box messages when enabled.
A camera rotation configuration has been added to the Image Capture Settings. This configuration is useful in specific system builds and camera selections when it fits the application.
We have added expanded support to read analog input with new devices. These new devices also have the option during configuration to convert the analog input result to voltage.
- We’ve carried various performance enhancements and user interface quality improvements.
The following fixes have also been made:
- Fixed various potential crash conditions when executing and loading programs
- Outputting data as whole numbers to a Data Group that has existing real values may temporarily modify the number of significant digits of the entire Data Group. This has been resolved.
- Fixed a crash condition when reading in overlays after an overlay with Tooth Checker settings enabled has been read in.
- Fixed an issue when the first instance of displaying live video in some scenarios may result in the software appearing to freeze up.