VISIONx, Inc.’s Mission, Vision, & Values


To be the leading provider of advanced visual inspection & high-accuracy measurement solutions in our targeted market segments.


To grow through:

i) scientific & technical innovation
ii) ever deeper & broader relationships with our customers and
iii) positive collaborative relationships with our partners and suppliers.

To offer customers a winning total-value proposition including superior technology, competitive pricing and flawless execution on all aspects of their customer experience.

To provide our employees with advantageous conditions, freedom to express their talents & contribute, support when needed, a positive & stimulating work environment and opportunities for personal growth.

Every new day teaches us that today’s growth & success is the result of yesterday’s work to properly support our existing customers.

Our focus is on the long term. We have great clarity on the fact that long term success is simply the result of sustained and properly directed efforts, day after day, to improve and do right by everyone.


Respect at all times, towards everyone. We apply the Golden Rule and always treat others the way we would want to be treated ourselves.

We apply our best efforts to all we do.

We value curiosity & innovation and we have a strong culture of continuous improvement.

Our employees, our suppliers & partners, our customers and our communities can count on us to govern ourselves responsibly, at all times.

We have a deep conviction that mutually beneficial collaboration multiplies what we can accomplish. We partner well.

Our customers are our best teachers and we listen to them attentively. The problems with which they are faced today fuel and direct our innovation and allow us to provide them tomorrow with the solutions they require.