Condyle Implant CAD Auto-Pass/Fail Inspection

CAD Auto-Pass/Fail inspection on a condyle implant

Specify tolerances on a part’s CAD entities to easily locate and display sections of a part that are out of tolerance. An overall Pass/Fail value result is reported based on the programmed criteria.

bone screw crest inspection

Crest inspection on a bone screw

The VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparator’s Tooth Checker feature is capable of performing inspection and measurements on various bone screw features, including crests, roots, diameters, thread depth, and more.

IGT Bucket Profile Inspection

IGT Bucket Profile Inspection

Buckets represent some of the most critical parts in power generation systems. The fir tree root form profile has strict tolerance requirements that our super-extended 500 Series VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparators are easily able to handle.