turbine disk and blade dovetail joint inspection

turbine disk and blade dovetail joint

An example of a turbine disc and blade dovetail connected joint. Inspection of the slots, disks, and various turbine components is 100% automated with the VisionGauge® Disk Inspection and Measurement system

gas turbine bucket dovetail inspection

gas turbine bucket dovetail inspection

Blades and buckets represent some of the most critical parts in power generation systems and their fir tree dovetail root form is where some of the tightest-tolerance requirements are found.

The VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparator is the ideal solution for checking these features. VisionGauge® is extremely fast & accurate and with VisionGauge® there is no operator-to-operator variation. VisionGauge® can also automatically collect complete results and documentation.

Installation of a bucket on a gas turbine disk

Installation of a bucket on a gas turbine disk

Blades and buckets represent some of the most critical parts in power generation systems and their fir tree dovetail root form is where some of the tightest-tolerance requirements are found

total hip knee replacement parts

Total hip/knee replacement implants

VisionGauge systems are regularly used in the inspection and measurement of total hip/knee replacement medical and orthopedic implants