
Automatically measure and display deviations from nominal and quickly identify out-of-tolerance areas.

VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparators are the new standard for carrying out fast and accurate thread rolling dies measurements. Demonstrated accurate, repeatable and operator-independent results, directly on the shop floor! The system can automatically locate and check the features of interest


Automatically compare a part to its CAD data and get an accurate, repeatable, and operator-independent PASS/FAIL result.

VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparators are perfectly suited to overcome the challenges of thread rolling dies inspection. The system supports both uniform and variable tolerances. You can apply tighter tolerances in critical areas and looser tolerances elsewhere.


VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparators have a broad set of high-accuracy measurement tools.

VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparators can easily compare difficult-to-inspect thread rolling dies against their CAD data. Automatically measure and display deviations from nominal and quickly identify out-of-tolerance areas. Thread rolling die measurements made easy!


No fixturing is required. The system can correct for part-to-part placement variation.

VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparators can handle Thread Roller Die inspection and measurement with their wide variety of accurate inspection tools. No fixtures are required for this setup, and the system can correct for part-to-part placement variation. Just set down the part and run the program to complete the inspection.