VisionGauge®’s Patented “Tooth Checker™” Tool

VisionGauge®’s Patented “Tooth Checker™” tool is specially adapted to check parts
with teeth

VisionGauge®’s powerful and innovative patented “Tooth Checker™” tool automatically locates, to very high accuracy, the crests and / or roots of  a part's teeth or threads and determines if they are within their tolerance band. It can also determine all other part characteristics, such as tooth pitch, thread depth, major & minor diameters, etc...

Bone screw teeth verification with the VisionGauge® “Tooth Checker™” tool
  • Fully automated
  • Completely independent of part orientation & clocking
  • With a rotary stage the crest and root points can be used to calculate part runout
  • Can also be applied to parts that are larger than the field-of-view
  • The tool is usable in both manual and fully-automated modes (i.e. within an automated program)
  • The tool produces a PASS / FAIL result (which can be exported and used in all of the same ways as the current PASS / FAIL results) and also shows where the part passes and where it fails
  • Supports linearly variable tolerances, plus/minus tolerances, plus/plus tolerances, minus/minus tolerances, etc...
  • Smart “Adaptive Thresholding” automatically disregards point imperfections

Perfect for quickly and accurately checking:

  • Bone screws
  • Medical rasps
  • Gears
  • Fluted Instruments
  • Threads & fittings
  • Etc...
Medical Rasp Inspection and Verification

The Tooth Checker tool can check that either crests, roots, or both, are in tolerance

Automatic thread inspection: Automatically detect crests and roots in major/minor diameters of teeth or screw threads with VisionGauge®’s new Patent Pending “Tooth Checker™”.

Quick & Easy to Set Up!

VisionGauge Tooth Checker Nomenclature

Using the crest & root points that the Tooth Checker tool has found, it can then automatically determine all other part characteristics

Overview Video:

Our new Advanced Analysis and Report tools also allow operators to follow-up a Tooth Checker™ operation to review, explore, and label results at each cross section of interest in the field-of-view.

CAD Auto-Pass/Fail Entity Cross Section Analysis on a Fir Tree Inspection

Download a .pdf version of this VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparator Application note here.


Machine Vision Products Application Bulletins: