VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.46 is available for download


VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.46, dated January 28th, 2021, is available for download.

New features and enhancements have been added:

Some of these new enhancements have to do with 5-axis applications. Now, there are 2 principal approaches that can be used to supply 5-axis coordinate data to VisionGauge® systems.


1) Data from the drill file


The most common approach consists in supplying the system data from a so-called “drill file”. This is the coordinate data for all of the holes that need to be inspected, as typically supplied to a LASER or EDM drill, for example. This data is generally output by a CAM software package. This data represents the (X,Y,Z,A,B) movements that the drill needs to carry out to bring each hole in position (under the wire, for example). This data is thus generally rotated about the drill’s trunnion and is expressed relative to the part’s (0,0,0,0,0).

Using the “Chuck offset” and “Fixture height” information from the “5-axis Transform Settings” window (accessed through the “Motion control” window, as shown below), VisionGauge® OnLine can use this “drill file” information directly (using VisionGauge®’s built-in 5-axis transform) to effectively rotate the data about its own trunnion and still expressing all coordinates relative to the part’s (0,0,0,0,0)), i.e.:

VisionGauge® OnLine‘s “Motion control” window
VisionGauge® OnLine‘s “5-axis Transform Settings” window


2) “Raw” un-rotated data:


Starting with the latest software update, a second approach is possible for supplying 5-axis hole data to the system. With this approach, when we check the “Apply to the part” checkbox in the above “5-axis Transform Settings” window, then we can simply supply the (X,Y,Z,A,B) coordinates of the (un-rotated) holes, as always expressing all coordinates relative to the part’s (0,0,0,0,0). In this case, VisionGauge® OnLine carries out all of the required rotation calculations. This approach is very convenient if you don’t have a drill file, or if you don’t even have any CAM software.

Note that both approaches are absolutely equivalent. Generally, users will choose one or the other based on data availability and convenience…

Also, please note that we’ve also refreshed our 700 Series brochure with some new and updated information.

We have added an option to allow Live Video to run in VisionGauge® OnLine while working outside of the software. By enabling this option in the “Settings – Image Capture Settings”, VisionGauge® OnLine will no longer stop live video when clicking in another window or typing outside of VisionGauge® OnLine. This may mostly benefit users of the “Standard” edition of VisionGauge® OnLine if they require live video to stay on when working on programs outside of the software.

Settings – Image Capture Settings


VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.38 is available for download


VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.38, dated November 30th, 2020, is available for download.


The following enhancements have been added:

The Numerical and String Variable windows in the main VisionGauge OnLine menu now include an option to “Load” a previously saved set of Numerical or String variables. The same menu allows users to “Save” the current set of variables.


The Program Toolbox “Numerical & String Variables” step options have been greatly expanded to allow the following operations:

  • Set a String/Numerical Variable to 1) a user-defined value, 2) the most recent value from a Data Group, or 3) the current date, time, or both
  • Combine two String Variables into a single result (a user-defined delimiter between the variables is optional)
  • Append the following data onto the end of an existing String Variables: 1) a user-defined value, 2) another String Variable, or 3) the current date, time, or both (a user-defined delimiter between the variables is optional)
  • Clear the current set of Numerical or String Variables
  • Save the current set of Numerical or String Variables
  • Load a previously saved set of Numerical or String Variables
numerical string variables


These features can be very useful for recording and indexing a variety of parameters for automated inspection, as well as giving greater capabilities to tracking and tagging inspected parts/batches, logging operator information, and more.


The DXF Overlay Toolbox Correspondence file has been updated to recognize mixed-case lettering for the index value.


New VisionGauge® software training videos


We’re pleased to announce the new “Training Videos” section of our web site. It contains an extensive set of videos that present the features and tools available in the VisionGauge® OnLine Software. These tutorial videos go in depth through the steps that allow you to perform a great many operations in the software.

The videos are nicely organised in clear categories and sub-categories, to allow you to quickly and easily find the information you’re looking for.

These videos can be found under the “Support” menu of our web site and are available to our current software users and resellers. Complete the registration form with your company name and your account will be verified and activated, following which you can view this section of the site.

Training Videos section of the VISIONx website

VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.28 is available for download


VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.28, dated September 14th, 2020, is available for download.


The following enhancements have been added over the last few versions:

VisionGauge® OnLine now allows is capable of writing a “Usage Tracking” log. This option is found in the “Settings – General Preferences” menu. When enabled, a log file is created in the “vgOnLine/Log” directory with information about when a session of VisionGauge® OnLine is started and shut down. The date, time, and Windows user that started the session are recorded on each line.

Usage Tracking in VisionGauge OnLine


This update also includes a redesign of the CAD Auto-Pass/Fail “Entities” window. We’ve also added the ability to display the maximum (absolute) deviation from nominal on user-specified entities during CAD Auto-Pass/Fail® operations.

Maximum Deviation From Nominal on Entities


The Program Toolbox now includes a “Measurement Toolbox” option, allowing a program to automatically select an .mtb file to load and which button to select by default. This tool could be useful when a program needs to be paused to instruct operators to perform manual measurements before resuming the program again.

Program Toolbox - Measurement Toolbox


Also, the DXF Correspondence File now includes an additional optional parameter for which Measurement Toolbox file to load. This allows operators to automatically load VisionGauge® OnLine programs, auxiliary files, overlays, and/or a specific Measurement Toolbox by using the barcode reader. The DXF Correspondence File information has been updated with this data.


The Motion Control Startup Settings now contain an option to customize the startup warning message when the 2D XY Stage Mapping is about to begin its homing procedure. This notification window is much larger so it is more visible, and it allows multiple lines of customized text with Unicode support to give operators specific instructions for when the system starts.

Motion Control settings - customize startup message


This set of updates also adds a Digital IO output condition for when a system’s Emergency Stop is triggered during program operation.


The Settings Toolbox now includes an option to save the current measurement units. This allows a Settings Toolbox button to reset the measurement units when it is recalled, which could be useful if different sets of measurements require different units.


Finally, this update also includes a few performance enhancements, measurement improvements (Manual and Automated Perpendicularity measurements), small fixes that correct the display of camera names when multiple cameras are selected, and add additional support for Unicode in various input locations of the software.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.09 is available for download


VisionGauge® OnLine version 14.09, dated April 14th, 2020, is available for download.


The following enhancements are available in the latest version:

A new 2-Point Angle Measurement tool has been added to VisionGauge® OnLine, allowing the user to define a line by 2 points and measure the angle of the line from horizontal or vertical.

2-point angle from horizontal and vertical
2-point angle measurement mode

Angle measurements in VisionGauge® OnLine are also now able to specify the direction of the angle over which to measure (Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise). This intuitive, new angle measurement option can be used as an alternative way to determine exactly which angle is measured in both 2-point and 4-point angle measurements – in manual measurement mode and automated programs. The tool returns the included angle in the direction indicated between the user-specified line 1 and line 2. The result can be between 0 – 180 degrees or 180 – 360 degrees, depending on the needs of the application.

Angular Direction measurement - Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise
Angular Direction measurement option


The Motion Control Settings now have an option to specify a particular Settings Toolbox button to load before starting homing operations when starting VisionGauge® OnLine. With this option, the homing procedure will use the motion control parameters saved in this button every time, instead of the last used settings on shutdown of the software.

Motion Control Settings - Settings Toolbox option

We have added a new DDE topic item, “PassFailReason,” to retrieve the Pass/Fail Reason string from a Data Group (if Pass/Fail reversal is enabled). We have also added the ability to request the most recently added value to a VisionGauge® OnLine Data Group for the following DDE items:


Previously, DDE requests could only specify the number of the item in the Data Group they wanted to retrieve. Now, by specifying ‘0’ as the target item number, the most recently added value in the Data Group will be returned.

For example, the DDE string VisionGaugeOnline|DataGroup!’2 MeasuredValue 0′ will now return the most recently added “Measured Value” from Data Group #2.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.99 and VisionGauge® version 10.91 are available for download.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.99, dated February 24th, 2020, is available for download.


The following enhancements have been made over the last few update versions:

VisionGauge® OnLine users may now specify the type of image that can be collected in a Data Group. Either the ‘raw’ image (without annotations or measurements) or the ‘displayed’ image (with measurements and ROIs) can be stored in a Data Group. It could be particularly useful to view the displayed image from a measurement if the Data Group shows a ‘Fail’ for a certain result to see inspect what went wrong.

Data Group options - Collecting results images


VisionGauge® OnLine’s IO Monitoring/Conditions feature allows users to a) configure specific output channels on which to output a signal when a certain condition is met during a operation of the software and to b) select an input channel to monitor for a signal to perform a specific action in the software.

When both Input Monitoring and Output Conditions are combined, VisionGauge® OnLine can be remotely automated by a robot or a controller that issues commands to the software. The Remote Program Communications feature was originally developed for communication by commands sent through TCP/IP or over a COM port, but this IO Monitoring/Conditions update allows either simplified automation using exclusively Digital IO’s or expands upon the existing Remote Program Communication feature-set with additional command/verification methods.

Input Monitoring allows digital input channels to be periodically scanned for a signal. When the target channel is activated, the software will perform specific actions. VisionGauge® OnLine presently supports the following Input signal monitoring actions:

  • Loading a program
  • Starting a program
  • Stopping a program
  • Pausing a program
  • Clearing Program Errors (when operating in ‘Silent Mode’)
  • Stop/Prevent Stage Motion
  • Check VisionGauge® OnLine Software Active Status (make sure the software is still alive and responding)
Input Monitoring - VisionGauge OnLine

Output Conditions allow the user to configure digital output channels to be activated when certain conditions are met during software operation. VisionGauge® OnLine presently supports outputting a signal when the following conditions are met or actions are performed:

  • Program is Loaded and Ready to Run
  • Program is Running
  • Program is Paused
  • Program Error
  • Silent Mode is Enabled
  • Program is Completed
  • Program Result (Pass/Fail)
  • In-Position (Stage is at a certain position)
Output Conditions - VisionGauge OnLine

It is possible to reserve output channels so programs and operators cannot accidentally output on those channels.

A new quick access button, accessible from the “Customize – User Interface” menu, also allows Input Monitoring and Output Conditions to be started or stopped by an operator.

Full documentation to describe how to use these input and output signals to work remotely (e.g. via a cell controller), is available.


VisionGauge® OnLine programs can take advantage of our True Position measurement tool. Our approach to True Position allows a user to define a Nominal feature whose position is compared to the Actual occurrence of that feature. Features are defined using datums that have been set in previous program steps. Nominal features can be defined using either Cartesian or Polar coordinates, which is convenient for different types of applications. Nominal features can also be offset using Basic Dimensions in the current measurement units.

VisionGauge® Online presently supports Cylindrical (point location) and Non-Circular (line) features of size, and the Nominal tolerance zone is displayed along with the Actual feature location. As with all VisionGauge® Online measurements, results, including a Pass/Fail result, can be output to Data Groups and other reporting options.

True Position measurement for Cylindrical Features of Size
True Position measurement for Non-Circluar Features of Size

Follow the link for more information about our True Position measurement software tool.

This update also adds support for Laser Angle Correction – to address the situation where a system’s lasers for measurements are not perfectly at 45 degrees with the stage.

Various fixes, performance enhancements, and improvements in memory management.



VisionGauge® version 10.91 is available for download.

This update includes support for a newer USB computer controlled illumination module, fully compatible with Windows 10.


Introducing VisionGauge®’s Patented “Tooth Checker™” tool

We’re happy to introduce VisionGauge®’s patented “Tooth Checker™” tool, specially adapted to check parts with teeth. This innovative new tool automatically locates, to very high accuracy, the crests and / or roots of the teeth and determines if they are within their tolerance band. It can also determine all other part characteristics, such as tooth pitch, thread depth, major & minor diameters, etc…

Bone screw teeth verification with the VisionGauge® “Tooth Checker™” tool
Bone screw teeth verification with the VisionGauge® “Tooth Checker™” tool

The Tooth Checker tool can verify that either crests, roots, or both, are in tolerance, using these crest & root points that the Tooth Checker tool has found, it can then automatically determine all other part characteristics:

VisionGauge Tooth Checker Nomenclature
Automatically check all part characteristics

This powerful new tool is perfect for quickly and accurately checking:

  • bone screws,
  • medical rasps,
  • gears,
  • fluted instruments,
  • threads & fittings,
  • and much more!


Click to view more information about the VisionGauge® Tooth Checker™, or download the application note.

VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.38 is available for download.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.38, dated April 25th, 2019, is available for download.



This update adds greater functionality to working with an overlay position during an automated program:


The Image Overlay Settings window has renamed the option to “Set Offset” of the overlay to “Move Overlay Position”.

We have also added the options to “Set Overlay Current Position” and “Output Overlay Current Position”. The Output option requires that you choose which dimension you want to output, the nominal and tolerances on the value, and the Output options (to which Data Group the data will be sent, any label information, etc.). This new Output option could be useful to determine by how much an overlay has shifted, for example, after a Auto-Align procedure.

Program Toolbox - Image Overlay Settings



This update also contains a significant performance improvement that will reduce latency and “waits” at many points during the system’s operation. Specifically, we have enhanced the software to optimize runtime performance, so that when the software is started up it pre-calculates a number of (long-to-compute) coefficients and then re-uses them (instead of re-computing them) when they are required.

The performance improvements that a user will obtain vary depending on the specific system configuration (typically multi-mag systems will benefit most) and also depending on how the system is used (typically, users that frequently switch back-and-forth between manual operation and automated programs should see the greatest benefit from these performance optimizations).

However, it’s worth noting that these are quite “core” performance enhancements and the system should feel “snappier” for almost all users.



Also in this update, we have restructured and greatly improved how ProLink software is used with VisionGauge® OnLine.

This update introduces the “Output on Command” mode, which is now an option to the default “Real-Time” mode. Real-Time mode sends all data sent to a Data Group to ProLink immediately. Output on Command mode allows a user to accumulate data to a file before sending a command to output all that data to ProLink at once. This helps ProLink group the data for a part and avoids ‘deleted points’ from being inserted in places where ProLink would expect data to exist that did not come in with a file.

Customize Data Transfer to ProLink

Also, “Source” and “Extra” data that are sent with a measurement have been relocated to the measurement specific options. Previously these were defined for the entire ‘machine’, but they are now able to be defined for each measurement. In addition, “Note” data can now be sent with each measurement to better relay information about a measurement in ProLink. As before with Source and Extra data, Notes can be defined as user-selected text, or String/Numeric variables.

In addition, we made outputting results to ProLink using manual measurements easier by adding the possibility to output results directly from Data Groups. Data for a part can be accumulated in Data Groups and output all at once to ProLink when it is ready. This allows the possibility to change labels and ensure all manual measurements are correct before output.

Data Groups - Direct Output to ProLink database

The complete documentation for setting up and using ProLink software with VisionGauge® OnLine may be found here.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.26 is available for download.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.26, dated February 23rd, 2019, is available for download.


The following enhancements have been made over the last few update versions:


We’ve included support to define many manual measurements using datums. This means the results of other manual measurements or specifically saved datums can be used during definition of other manual measurements.


Measurements in the General tab that support being defined by datums are:

  • Point-to-Point Distance
  • Horizontal Distance
  • Vertical Distance
  • Distance between Arbitrary Parallel Lines
  • Point-based Radius
  • Point-based Diameter
  • 3-Point Angle
  • 4-Point Angle


Measurements in the Marker to Marker tab that support being defined by datums are:

  • Center of Circle
  • Line Midpoint
  • Point of Intersection Of Two Lines
  • Orthogonal to Line
  • Closest Point on a Midline


The Program Toolbox Statistics & Data Groups step has been modified to allow the user to define a directory path when saving the contents of a Data Group to file and using a String Variable as the file name. Select the “Browse” button to choose any file in the target directory, and the directory path will be used when saving the Data Group with the selected String Variable as the file name.

Program Toolbox - Statistics & Data Groups - Save a Data Group to file dialog
Program Toolbox – Statistics & Data Groups – Save a Data Group to file


We’ve added a Roll Pin Distance measurement tool which is useful for many different types of inspections, including:

  • root forms of blades
  • root forms of disk slots
  • gear teeth
  • thread teeth
  • etc.

This new tool is very easy to setup and use and is extremely accurate & repeatable. Roll Pin distance measurements can be found in the Miscellaneous tab of both the manual measurement mode and the Program Toolbox Measurement step for fully-automated measurements.


Roll Pin Distance measurement in VisionGauge® Online
Roll Pin Distance measurement


Roll pin distance measurement from a datum line
Roll pin distance measurement from a datum line


More information about the Roll Pin Distance measurement will be posted soon.


We have included some DXF format radius charts in VisionGauge® OnLine’s \LiveImageOverlays\DXF sub-directory. Operators of traditional optical comparators will already be very familiar these charts, and they could be very useful in certain instances with the VisionGauge® Digital Optical Comparator (for example: when inspecting short-arc radii).

DXF format Radius Chart
DXF format Radius Chart in VisionGauge® OnLine


This update also adds password protection for several options from the Motion Control window, including the Set Zero, Set, Output, Home All buttons, the Coordinate System, Zero on Center Point, Skew menu items, and the individual axis zero buttons.

The Security Manager can allow operator access to these items in the Motion Control window if the option is checked. Otherwise the user will be prompted to enter the password when trying to access these items.

VisionGauge® OnLine's Security Manager dialog
VisionGauge® OnLine’s Security Manager


We have added an option to apply 5-axis transforms and corrections to manual move operations (“Go All” moves from the Motion Control Toolbox). Previously, 5-axis transforms and corrections were only able to be applied during a program.

This update applies exclusively to our 700-series 5-axis Inspection and Measurement Systems. These new options can be found in the “Motion Control – Settings – Transforms – 5-Axis Transform Settings” menu. 5-Axis Corrections, 5-Axis Transforms, and the Fixture Center of Rotation Offset Corrections may be applied to manual “Go All” operations by selecting the appropriate checkbox.

When this option is selected, any coordinates that are entered directly into the “Go To” section of the Motion Control Toolbox will be transformed with the current corrections and transforms, and the stage will move to that transformed position. The “Current Position” / DRO in the Motion Control Toolbox will show the actual position of the encoders following the stage move (the transformed position).

Please note that while the 5-Axis Tranforms “Fixture Height” and polarity settings are saved with a program and may be changed by loading different motion programs into the Program Toolbox, the option to apply these transforms and corrections to manual operations is machine dependent and saves with other VisionGauge® OnLine setting files.

Applying VisionGauge® Online 5-Axis Transforms and Correction to manual operations dialog
Applying VisionGauge® Online 5-Axis Transforms and Correction to manual operations


During the setup of Control Sections for overlays, users can now use the Select mode to choose a Control Section they would like to edit, remove, etc. Simply click Select, the using the mouse, choose the control section from the overlay.

Selecting specific Control Sections to modify during overlay setup
Selecting specific Control Sections to modify during overlay setup


The procedure for writing ‘carryover’ settings has been modified to permit automatic correction in the case of incomplete shutdown procedures. If an incomplete shutdown procedure is detected, VisionGauge® Online will advise you and automatically try to repair the startup settings.



VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.01 is available for download.


VisionGauge® OnLine version 13.01, dated August 16th, 2018, is available for download.

VisionGauge® OnLine has been updated with new measurement tools.


We’ve added a new marker-to-marker measurement tool in both manual measurement  mode and the Program Toolbox. The marker is “Orthogonal to a Line Bisecting an Angle”. Users will need to select if the angle type they want to bisect is Actue or Obtuse.

manual measurement mode dialog box
Manual Measurement Mode
Orthogonal to a bisecting angle measurement marker
Orthogonal to a bisecting angle measurement



We’ve also added four new manual measurement tools in a “Miscellaneous” tab of the Manual Measurement Mode. These tools are “Parallelism”, “Perpendicularity”, “Parallelism of a Midline”, and “Perpendicularity of a Midline”. Each of these measurements are also able to be defined using previously saved datums.

parallelism measurement
Perpendicularity measurement
Parallelism of a midline measurement
Parallelism of a midline
Perpendicularity of a midline measurement
Perpendicularity of a midline

And we’ve made a few changes to the Program Toolbox – Measurement user interface with regards to datums. When selecting datums, the edit boxes are now editable. This will be particularly useful for setting up measurements with large numbers of datums.